Declaration rules for package and import statements
The Java source file is structured to have three types of top-level declarations, the package declaration, import statements and class declarations. None of them has to be present in the source file. However, if they are present, theymust appear in the following order:
§ The package declaration must come first…
§ …followed by the import statements
§ …followed by the class definitions.
We know that a java source file can have multiple top-level classes. The source file in the listing has two top-level classes, Test andHelper. We also know that there can be only one public top-level class. In the listing, it is the Testclass. Since this source file has a top-level public class, the name of the source file and the name of the top-level public class must be the same. Therefore, the listing 8.1 must reside in file In Java, a compilation of any source file creates a .class file for every class declared in it. Since Test.javahas two class declarations, two class files will be created (Test.class andHelper.class) after its compilation.
The package declaration is applicable to both the classes Test and Helper. In other words, they both belong to the same package. There are also two import statements in the listing. The first import statement imports thejava.util.Date class. Therefore both the classes, Testand Helper can refer tojava.util.Date as simplyDate. The second import statement imports the package. Therefore, both of them can reference anyclass from java.iopackage by specifying only its name instead of the fully qualified name.
Now you know how a java source file is structured and the simple rules enforcing that structure. But, defining class definitions in a java source file does not make it executable after compilation. You cannot run the Test or Helperclasses as Java application unless they have a special main method defined.
Primitive data types and their ranges
Primitives are Java’s built-in data types, which mean they are directly understood by the compiler. It means you do not use any class to create (instantiate) them or modify them. Primitives are created directly by specifying a data value; you need not use the new keyword to create them. Primitive types can be broadly classified as the numeric data types and the boolean data type.
The numeric primitives can be either signed or unsigned. The signed primitives are further classified as integral primitives and floating-point primitives. The primitivesbyte, short, int andlong represent whole numbers and hence are called integrals whereas the primitives float anddouble represent fractional numbers and hence are called floating-point primitives. The primitive char is used to represent characters. It represents them in Unicode encoding as an unsigned numerical value. Therefore, it can also be used as an unsigned datatype. The primitive booleanis used to represent boolean values.
The char and String are two unrelated data types in Java. Thechar is a primitive datatype whereas the String is a class type. The string objectscan be created with the new keyword whereas char is not an object but a primitive type whose value can be specified by typing it in the code.
The variables of primitive datatypes hold either numeric or boolean values. The range of values a particular primitive variable holds depends on its type. Java specifies how many bits are required to represent the value of each primitive type. For instance, a primitive variable of type int is stored using 32 bits. Table 7.3 shows all the primitive types and the number of bits Java use to represent them.
Table 7.3 Primitive types and their bit representation
Primitive data types | Bit used for representation |
boolean | 1 |
byte | 8 |
short | 16 |
char | 16 |
int | 32 |
float | 32 |
long | 64 |
double | 64 |
Arrays are somewhat special objects in java as array construction and declaration is a little bit different.
An array is a fixed-sized ordered collection of homogeneous data elements.
Following example shows array declaration at compile time and array construction at runtime.
int[] ints; // array declaration ints = new ints[25]; // array construction at runtime.
Now let us see how an array is declared, constructed and initialized at the same time.
int[] ints = {1,2,3,4,5}; // array declaration, construction and initialization at the same time.
An array of primitive data type created using the new keyword is initialized. Each array element is initialized to its default value.
For example,
char[] arrayOfChars = new char[10];An array of 10 chars will be created with each element initialized to '\u0000'. The default value for char is '\u0000'.
An array of object references created using the new keyword is also initialized. Each array element is initialized to its default value, i.e. null.
String[] names = new String[10];An array of 10 string references will be created with each element initialized to null.
Please note that array index starts at 0. So array of 10 elements has element at 0th index to 9th index.
String[] names = new String[10];Therefore, names[0] to names[9] will have value null. names[10] does not exist and hence it is undefined.
int[] ints = {1,2,3,4,5};
System.out.println("Length of array ints is " + ints.length);As java.lang.Object is the superclass of an array, arrays understand all method calls of java.lang.Object class.
public static void main(String[] args) {}
static public void main(String[] args) {}
public static void main(String args[]) {}
main() method takes String array as argument. The java runtime system can pass command line parameters to
the application through this array.
The first command line parameter is passed as the first argument and is referenced by args[0].
For example, java MyCalculator 12 50 add
args[0] will be 12, args[1] will be 50 and so on.
The main() method
Every .class file has a definition of one Java class. Usually you use another Java class by instantiating it and calling its methods from your class. You can do in your Java code as long as you can access its .class file. However, you cannot instantiate a Java class from the command line or from outside the JVM. Then how will you start the execution of any Java code? As a starting point, you need the ability to call the Java code from the command line. Java provides you with a special method called as the main method. This method can be called directly from the command line. The JVM calls this method whenever you try to execute a Java .class file from command-line. For instance, you canexecute a Java class file Test.class as:
$ java Test
The java in the above command is a call to the Java interpreter; it first searches forTest.class file. Then it searches the main method in that class file and if present, executes it.
In this method, you can either create instances of other Java classes and call their methods or do whatever your application needs to do. Thus, it essentially provides you with an entry point from where you can start executing your Java application. That is the reason why if this particular method is present in your .class file, it becomes the Java Application instead of a mere Java class file.
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